How to maintain health

Pour la santé

La santé physique et la santé mentale sont étroitement liées, l’une affectant l’autre de manière négative et positive [1] et, en fait, de nombreux facteurs affectent la santé d’un individu, il y a donc beaucoup de choses auxquelles il faut prêter attention pour maintenir la santé en ingérant, [2] et de nombreux facteurs affectent la santé de l’individu. Habitudes de santé recommandées pour maintenir la santé publique, où les problèmes de santé affectent de nombreux domaines de la vie, y compris le niveau de bonheur et de stress de l’individu, les dépenses matérielles, l’énergie physique pour accomplir les tâches quotidiennes, la capacité de gagner sa vie et la capacité de gérer les pressions La vie, [3] il convient de noter qu’il est difficile pour un individu de développer des habitudes saines qui peuvent nécessiter un changement de pensée, mais ces changements doivent être effectués afin de maintenir le physique, la santé psychologique et émotionnelle et un sentiment de confort. [4]

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How to maintain health
People need to eat to ensure that the body gets what it needs to grow properly and keep the body safe, and there are many practical tips that are concerned with following healthy diets, the most important of which are: [1][5]

Reduce the amount of sugar consumed during the day by avoiding soft drinks, fruit juices, and canned foods.

Use small-sized dishes when eating main meals, to contribute to a feeling of satiety in small amounts.
Avoid hunger and try to eat at least every 4 hours.
Rely on home-made food and stay away from ready-made foods that contain large amounts of fat and salt.
To ensure that the individual has a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals by diversifying the colors of fruits and vegetables that make up meals during the day.
Eat three main meals during the day, in addition to moderate snacks among themselves, with the largest portion of these meals allocated to healthy foods and the most important: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean or low fat dairy products.
Focus on healthy food choices, by choosing lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, and stay away from foods rich in saturated or mutated fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.
Avoid eating large meals before bed to relieve the problem of esophageal reflux and excess weight.
Avoid rewarding children with sugary foods.
Avoid eating during periods of anger and depression.
Stay away from eating raw or uncooked meat, and work to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.
Drink enough water daily, and the right amount for most people is estimated to be approximately 8 glasses. [6]
Avoid alcoholic beverages and work not to exceed one cup for women, and two cups for men per day. [6]

Physical activity

Doing various physical activities on a daily basis, albeit as simple as walking at work, climbing stairs, and cleaning the house, is important to the human body, which benefits greatly to its health, helping to burn calories, relieve excess weight, and control blood pressure. Cholesterol,[5] in addition to reducing stress, improving cognitive abilities, stimulating the production of a chemical compound that increases the feeling of happiness and comfort called endrofen, improves the overall appearance of the individual, which helps to enhance self-confidence, and helps exercise. Regular muscle strengthening, enhanced endurance, better distribution of oxygen and nutrients to different tissues, as well as helping the individual sleep faster and deeper, which increases the body’s energy,[4] and sports contribute to improving body balance and flexibility, Reducing the likelihood of falls in the elderly, and the prevention of many diseases, the most important of which are obesity, stroke, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure, and in fact moderate exercise is recommended for 30 minutes a day on at least three days of the week. [1]

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Here are more life tips for maintaining health:

Quitting smoking: There are many risks to smoking tobacco products, including affecting the health of the internal organs of the human being, as it causes heart, mouth, throat and lung cancer, including affecting the external shape of the human being, as it leads to skin damage and the appearance of wrinkles, Collagen, which is enhanced for young people, and many other problems associated with smoking, is therefore recommended to stop smoking in all its forms. [2] [5]

Mental health: Individuals are advised to devote daily time to activities and personal hobbies that provide comfort to the soul, such as reading, cooking, listening to music, enjoying laughter and watching humorous programs that play a role in the treatment of certain diseases, and is advised to break the routine Daily and out of the house in order to take a walk and experience new fun things, communicate with friends and friends and avoid being alone, in addition to the need to think positively about things, refresh the mental activity and get rid of guilt and interest in work. [7]
Bon sommeil: dormir suffisamment la nuit aide à réduire le stress, à augmenter la productivité et à améliorer l’activité mentale.Il est donc recommandé d’éviter les boissons contenant de la caféine après 14 heures et d’essayer des techniques de relaxation telles que la méditation du soir et le sommeil pendant huit heures la nuit. [3]
Examens médicaux: il est recommandé d’effectuer certains examens médicaux et de consulter un médecin de temps en temps pour vérifier la santé, peut-être le plus important de ces tests, la pression artérielle et le taux de cholestérol dans 

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